Don’t Let a Preventable Dental Emergency Sideline Your Oral Health

Winter is almost here, and sports activities can find a way to bring a dental emergency into your life during the busy holiday season. Whether you are skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, swimming, or surfing, accidents can happen. It can mean running into a tree while sledding, falling on your face at an ice skating rink, or knocking a tooth out... read more »

What Can You Do About Gum Disease Symptoms?

Your teeth aren’t the only things in your smile that can experience issues. Gum disease or periodontal disease can harm your smile and even your overall health. If your gums are diseased, harmful bacteria in the mouth can enter your bloodstream as they bond to the platelets in your blood, where clots can then form. Should these clots travel to... read more »

Root Canal Pain Management Tips

If you have ever had a toothache, you already know how much it can hurt. But rather than ignoring the toothache and hoping it will go away on its own, it really should be seen to rule out the need for a root canal to restore a damaged tooth. Most folks associate root canals with pain, but ignoring an infected... read more »

Healthy Dental Tips For the Spooky Season!

Halloween is lurking around the corner, but so is the coronavirus, making traditional Halloween parties trickier. This year, big parties and parades, creepy haunted houses, and gathering in crowds to trick-or-treat are off the table for many, or at the very least, downsized and held outdoors while social distancing. While the traditional ways of celebrating Halloween may look different this... read more »

Ready Your Child for the New School Year With a Back-To-School Oral Toolkit

With the summer of 2020 coming to a close, families have had to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic and conform with state and county regulations. Schooling has been one area where hard decisions have been made with new rules to keep others safe. Whether your child is attending classes in school or online, keeping their smile healthy is paramount no... read more »

Knowing the Difference Between Endodontic Treatments

What do you know about the difference between nonsurgical root canal treatments, surgical retreatments and dental implants? You are probably like most people and can maybe guess. We are here to answer your questions! Surgical vs. Nonsurgical Root Canal Therapy When our endodontist mentions root canals, a nonsurgical root canal is generally recommended. The great news is the average root... read more »

Recognize National Fresh Breath Day With Fresh Breath!

The mouth is home to millions of bacteria, some of them good and some bad. In fact, half of the bacteria in your mouth can lead to bad breath! National Fresh Breath Day is observed every year on August 6th to create awareness of oral hygiene in the fight against bad breath. It is a daily battle, and how you... read more »