What are the most common issues we see? As we work on our patients everyday treatments tend to blend together and become routine; so we came up with a list of the most common dental conditions we see daily.
#1 Abscess Tooth:
When it comes to potentially serious and even critical oral conditions, the abscessed tooth takes the crown. Every tooth has a root protected by soft-tissue and that tissue can get an infection. For most people and abscess tooth comes with a considerable amount of pain. But, we see cases where people have likely had an abscess for months and had no idea about the potential severity of the infection. The most common treatment for an abscessed tooth is the dreaded root canal. First, we clean out the infection and then place a crown or other restorative protectant on the tooth.
#2 Cavity:
Do you have a cavity? It’s usually the first question someone asks you after a trip to the dentist. As routine and as common as they are, not everyone knows what a cavity is exactly. In fact, there are three types of cavities.
The first, and most common, are coronal cavities. These cavities appear on chewing surfaces between or directly on teeth. They are common to both adults and children.  What’s their cause?  Usually the result of poor brushing, too much sugar, and genetics.
Secondly, root cavities are common among the older population. As people get older the gum tissue begins to soften and disappears. This exposes the root of the tooth.  Without proper brushing, and in conjunction with the wrong diet and genetics, these cavities are expected.
The final type of cavity happens because of recurrent decay.  Crowns and fillings break-down and open up perfect little hiding spots for plaque. These cavities are tricky because of the plaque build-up is hard to see and remove. We try to be especially diligent with people who have had cavities filled a long time ago and encourage judicious brushing in and around the areas of older fillings.
#3 Dislodged / Displaced Teeth:
Dislodged or displaced teeth are an immediate dental emergency. If a tooth is knocked loose or out of your mouth, see your dentist immediately. The reason is simple: a dentist and oral surgeon can do much more with a fresh injury than they can with one that has lingered. Don’t touch the root of a tooth that has been knocked out and only wash the tooth and your mouth with water. If you can reposition the tooth, do so. If you can’t reposition the tooth and it is out of the mouth, put it in milk – not water.
In conclusion we understand that every patient has a different set of needs and we are committed to taking care of our patients whether they are the first root canal we perform or last cavity we fill of the day. We hope you enjoyed this fast crash course today!